Intimacy Coach.
Confidence Specialist.
No topic is taboo.
Hi, I’m Dawn, your boldly unfiltered cheerleader, mentor, and coach.
I give you all of me. And in return, you commit to excavate your insides to find the real, wild you.
The status quo, purity culture, and rigid social norms tell us who we should be, and you may have forgotten who you really are. Rules are strict for women like us and the penalty for rebellion is swift. You may be sacrificing yourself, holding your breath, and squeezing into a restrictive box. Perhaps you’ve even lost your voice and you feel like a fraud.
The bravest thing we could possibly do is let others see us for who we really are.
Coaching Experiences for You
I see you, hear you, and respect you for the powerful, brilliant, beautiful person you are. I believe in your Inner Knowing, and I celebrate your badassery. I help you discover what you want and propel you forward. No shame, no f*cking apologies.
My 3-month NOT SORRY experience is your path to Capable, Confident, Sexy, Unapologetic, and Whole.
You will take risks boldly, achieve goals audaciously, and respect yourself in a way you never have before. Remarkable results will follow. Are you ready?
Easy-access support through life’s BIG challenges. Learn to embrace your power, confidence, certainty, authenticity, and joy.
Pull out your phone at any time of the day or night and reach out. In your pajamas, outside in the garden, on your lunch break, in the car, or anywhere you are inspired.