I love you;
Listen To My Podcast
Keep going
The bravest thing we could possibly do is let others see us for who we really are: raw, authentic, genuine, transparent.
No shame, no f*cking apologies. You are worth it and so am I. It’s time to break out of the box imposed on us by social norms, purity culture, gender stereotypes, and the patriarchy. There is nothing wrong with you. I love you; keep going.

Ep.14: Transformational Journaling
Dawn gets VULNERABLE sharing her Intentional Journaling practice with you. You will benefit from this episode even if you haven't ever been able to stick with your own journaling practice

Ep.13: Do You Trust Yourself?
You have probably put people's feelings, wants, and needs ahead of your own. Sometimes you ignored your intuition, warnings, or red flags to sacrifice yourself for others. As a result, your behavior has been untrustworthy. You haven't earned your own trust. Let's make a commitment to ourselves to do it differently.

Ep.12: Stop Going to the Hardware Store for Bread
Do you have an expectation that people are going to be different than they are? In this episode, Dawn talks about what it means to have reasonable vs. unreasonable expectations and what to do when you have them. Good boundaries and clear communication for the win!

Ep.11: What It Means to Be Queer
Proud to be queer. Direct and to the point, let me tell you what that means to me.

Ep.10: A Gift of Confidence for You
Give yourself permission to f/ck up and 6 more tools to build CONFIDENCE.

Ep.9: Prioritizing Yourself Isn’t Selfish
You're not a selfish dick if you prioritize yourself. I have specific tools for you to use that will make you feel whole, empowered, and emotionally competent. You deserve that!

Ep.8: Taylor Swift Made Me Cry (Dealing with GRIEF)
Some research says there are 5 stages of grief- denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The important things to know: Grief isn’t linear. Feelings are messy. People can hold many emotions at once. Trying not to feel causes more damage. Show compassion towards your grief. Your emotional maturity and evolution depend on it.

Ep.6: Mommy-isms: 6 life tips for EVERYONE
My daughter is amazing! These 6 life tips are alive and well in our household. I practice them in my life, and I share them generously with others. Let me know how they work for you.

Ep. 4 :How To Draw Your People To You
It's scary to be rejected. Many of us have to decide every day if we want to alter ourselves to fit in or if we want to risk rejection to be who we really are. Dawn talks about her own experiences with hypervigilance and trying to anticipate what other people think about her in order to make new friends. Authenticity is freeing.

Ep. 2 :When to Say Yes, When to Say No
How do you know when to push out of your comfort zone and try new things (yes!) and when to say no and take care of yourself? Both can be difficult and scary. This episode will tell you how to decide.

Ep. 1 : Just Do The Damn Thing
There! I did it. Episode #1. Just get started and take action. Don't let analysis paralysis get in your way. If you don't even know what you want, make a list of 101 Things. Don't censor yourself. Can it be scary? Yes. Are you capable, powerful, and strong? Still yes. I believe in you. I love you; keep going.