I love you;

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Keep going

The bravest thing we could possibly do is let others see us for who we really are: raw, authentic, genuine, transparent.

No shame, no f*cking apologies. You are worth it and so am I. It’s time to break out of the box imposed on us by social norms, purity culture, gender stereotypes, and the patriarchy. There is nothing wrong with you. I love you; keep going.

Ep.8: Taylor Swift Made Me Cry (Dealing with GRIEF)
Grief Dawn Davis Grief Dawn Davis

Ep.8: Taylor Swift Made Me Cry (Dealing with GRIEF)

Some research says there are 5 stages of grief- denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The important things to know: Grief isn’t linear. Feelings are messy. People can hold many emotions at once. Trying not to feel causes more damage. Show compassion towards your grief. Your emotional maturity and evolution depend on it.

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